perjantai 10. elokuuta 2012

Pimp my vihta or vasta

The most challenging tests are simple and concerning about well-known products in a highly competitive markets.
Vihta (Whip) is used in sauna and is made from birch. Your challange is go to the local marketplace in Finland and sell these 39.95 € a piece. What do you do? How you can get 39.95 €? Make a marketing plan for the product. Only rule is: You are not allowed use any gimmicks to get the price.
For those people who doesnt know anything  about vihta or vasta. In Finland, at summertime you can go to the forest and make one for free. If you are selling these in the market the price for handmade Vihta is 3,99 € a piece. At the marketplace there are usually over 10 sellers at the same time and the asking price for three vihtas or vastas is about 10 €.
These kind of tests are helping people to understand products potential to sell more and get more profits. 

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